

Blue by Fer'O

acryl on canvas, 30 x 30 cm, 2008, 600 US

"TSUNAMI Japan 2011, acryl on canvas, 30 cm x 30 cm , 875 US


"Carpe Diem" by Fer'O

acryl on canvas , 40 cm x 30 cm,2012 sold/gift mariage

" I " by Fer'O

acryl on canvas ,sold/gift museum

Blue Eyes by Fer'O

acryl on paper, 60 x 60 cm , 2008, sold/échange

Valentine, Fox by Fer'O

"Valentine" , acryl on canvas, 30 cm x 30 cm, 2008, 850 US
"Fox" by Fer'O, acryl on paper 30 cm x 37 cm, 2012, 650 US

" moving" by Fer'O

, acryl on canvas 30 cm x 30 cm , 2011, 650 US

New Life by Fer'O

acryl on canvas 30 x 30bcm 2008 850 US

"Amour", Love by Fer'O

acryl on paper , 42 cm x 42 cm, 2003 850 US

Butterfly by Fer'o

acryl on canvas 86 cm x 78 cm, 2004,Private Collection. this was the poster of exhibition in Tinnenpot in Ghent

Mascotte by Fer'O

acryl on canvas 30 cm x 24 cm,2002, 400 US
acryl on paper 37 cm x 30 cm , 2003 , 500 US

Destuction by TSUNAMI 2004 by Fer'O

acryl on paper, 60 cm x 60 cm , 2004 1500 US each

The Philosopher by Fer'O

acryl on paper , 2004, sold/gift

Birds by Fer'O 2003-2004

acryl on paper, 60 cm x 38 cm , 1200 US/each